“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Matthew 9:37
Just as Jesus taught over 2,000 years ago, we believe the greatest answer to the world’s greatest problem is more spiritual leaders. The college campuses of the world are the best place to find them.
In 2003, the ministry of StuMo existed on three campuses. Since then, God has expanded our influence to over 25 campuses across the United States.
What does that mean?
It means more spiritual leaders.
More spiritual leaders in local churches helping to transform communities and cities with the gospel. More spiritual leaders raising families that take the Great Commission seriously. More spiritual leaders being salt and light in the darkest places of this world.
God has graciously used StuMo to provide more of the greatest solution to the greatest problem in our world.
What will God do if we continue to give our lives to this?
To build spiritual leaders for Christ from the college campuses of the world.
The students of today will be tomorrow's leaders. Our desire is to equip them to live for Christ wherever they may go.
Helping men and women embrace their faith and grow as spiritual leaders for future generations.