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Jia found herself feeling empty and alone. A Christian friend of Jia’s prayed for her, and this reminded Jia of the love and joy of the Lord and she surrendered her life to Christ that day. Just a few months after her life change, she met some of our Tokyo StuMo staff who now get to pour into her and help her share her faith on her college campus. 

Jia has a very rare story for Japan, but will probably sound familiar to those in the States. She grew up in a Christian home and school. She went a different direction from what she had learned and started living a rebellious lifestyle once she entered high school. She found herself so deep in alcohol and relationships with boys that she realized she had never truly been a Christian and began to proclaim atheism. This lead to a spiral of seeking truth in tarot cards and new-age practices. These things, along with a relationship ending, left her feeling empty and alone. A Christian friend of Jia’s, not even aware of the depression she was in, prayed for her. This simple, yet powerful act made Jia start to rethink everything. She was reminded of the love and joy of the Lord and surrendered her life to Christ that day. 


Living in Japan made it hard for her to grow because of how few believers there are. Just a few months after her life change, she met some of our Tokyo StuMo staff on her college campus. They were all shocked by their shared faith in Jesus. Now, our staff girls get to pour into her and help her share her faith on her college campus. She is on fire for telling others the good news and started a women’s Bible Study called Megumi (Grace) for other girls like her. Over 20 girls have read the Bible for the first time and 5 have attended church for the first time! Praise God for the power of one friend’s prayer and how redemption is happening among the Japanese. 

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