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Student Spotlight

Growing up, Kaylin went to church every Sunday and served in ministry. However, when a StuMo staff shared the gospel with her, Kaylin was hit with the truth of God's Word. She realized she had never given God complete authority over her life. 

When StuMo staff met Kaylin in the Fall of 2020 outside of her dorm, Kaylin would have called herself a Christian and was excited about getting involved in something spiritual on campus. Growing up, she went to church every Sunday and served in kids ministry. But when a StuMo staff shared the gospel with her a couple of months later, she realized she had never given God complete authority over her life. However, she still had some hesitations and wasn’t ready yet to surrender her life to Christ. Kaylin went to StuMo’s summer discipleship program, Kaleo, and in the second week she made a list of all the things she would have to sacrifice in order to have a relationship with God. She then compared that list to the benefits of following God fully. That day on the beach she decided to sacrifice it all and give her life to Christ!


Since that day, Kaylin really wanted her best friend, Caitlin, to know about God too. She knew Caitlin was far from God and had a lot of uncertainty about whether or not God was trustworthy. Providentially, Kaylin and Caitlin were roommates that next year.


Initially, Caitlin was not very interested in the gospel, but after seeing a complete life change in Kaylin’s life and that it wasn’t just a “phase”, she became curious.


After six months of living life together, Kaylin boldly shared the gospel with Caitlin and the truth of the gospel clicked. Caitlin decided that day to fully commit her life to God! Caitlin explained that she had seen the life change in Kaylin and the fulfillment that following God brought her, and that she wanted it too. Caitlin decided to follow Kaylin to Kaleo. Kaylin has faithfully been discipling Caitlin for almost a year now, and both of their lives are headed on a completely different trajectory because of the gospel. Their lives, eternities, future families, future careers... everything will look different. We give God the glory!

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