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Student Spotlight

Sophie is an international student from the UK studying at Texas State. Before moving to the US, her life was characterized by depression and loneliness, but that was interrupted when she met a StuMo student leader during her second semester.

Sophie is an international student from the UK studying accounting at Texas State. Before she moved to the US for school, her life was characterized by depression and loneliness. She used alcohol to numb the pain of feeling completely isolated and purposeless. She felt she had nothing else going for her, so she decided to come to Texas State on a whim after seeing pictures of the beautiful campus on Google.


She hoped an international move would bring her a better life, although she had no idea what that could look like. 

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During her second semester on campus, she met a girl at the local dance hall who was a StuMo student leader, Caitlin. A week later, Caitlin shared the gospel with her. During their spiritual conversation, Sophie told Caitlin that this must be the reason she was at Texas State!


God must have brought Sophie all the way across the world to hear this news because she had never heard anything like it in the UK. Immediately, Sophie decided to turn from her old life and trust in Christ.

Caitlin (left) and Sophie (right)

She also immediately began to experience her anxiety and depression melt away as she understood more of who she was now as a daughter of Christ and the purpose she now had in Him. ​


Since the day that she began her new life in Christ, she has been consuming God’s word. She has also shared the gospel with her other international friends and is helping them understand it from the basic level that she needed with no spiritual background. 

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